Bovine Care
The Sugarcreek Veterinary Clinic is the premier provider of bovine veterinary care in East Central Ohio. We offer a comprehensive set of bovine healthcare services as well as dairy consultation services to help you reach your individual production goals. Please contact our office for more information on our quality care programs, or to schedule a farm visit.
Monitoring Dairy Herd Performance & Milk Quality – One of the best ways for us to help you reach your production goals is for us to schedule a regular herd health visit. Herd health visits are unique to each farm and most dairy herds schedule on either a weekly, biweekly, or monthly basis.
Disease Treatments and Protocols – Our team of licensed veterinarians are ready to diagnose and treat any illness affecting your cattle as well as help you design a disease prevention program specific to your operation.
Emergency And Critical Care – Our clinic provides emergency services to our clients on a 24-hour basis, though our goal is to help you minimize emergency cases by teaching and instructing during routine visits to your operation. Typical emergency calls for cattle include milk fever, dystocia (difficulty-calving), bloat, and severe injuries. If you have a question about whether or not your animal should be seen after hours, please feel free to call our office, where you will be able to discuss your concerns with an on-call veterinarian.
Reproduction Programs – We recognize the importance of efficient reproduction. Research states that the cost of a day open in a modern dairy cow ranges from $5-7. We offer a variety of services and products to help maximize reproductive performance on your farm. On-site ultrasound services can diagnose pregnancy as early as 30 days after breeding, as well as assess fetal viability. Additionally, we understand that a sterile bull can be a very expensive problem in any herd. For this issue, we offer breeding soundness exams and semen collection with the help of an electroejaculator. This can help with assurance of male fertility.
Drop Ship Services – If you are in need of veterinary supplies or pharmaceuticals but lack the time get to town, we are happy to offer drop ship services for you. Our drop ship service is available to all of our regular clients (clients we have visited in the last twelve months). To take advantage of our drop ship services, simply call our office to place your order with one of our receptionists. We will continue to offer supplies and prescription medications both in the office and off of our veterinarians’ trucks as well.
Cow Comfort & Facility Design – Barn design and cow management continue to be two of the most innovative factors when it comes to cow health and welfare. Our veterinarians are armed with the latest tools and training to assist you with designing new or modifying current facilities to allow you and your herd to perform at the optimum level. We are confident in our ability to help make your business run more efficiently while creating a comfortable environment for both you and your cattle.
Vaccinations & Deworming – We feel that some of the best money spent on disease is what you spend on the prevention of that disease. Our veterinarians are eager to maximize your production and herd health with an individually-designed vaccination and deworming program featuring the latest products and protocols to address your herd’s needs.
Veterinary Feed Directive Services – In compliance with the FDA, a Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD), is now required in order to obtain all feed-grade antibiotics. We are happy to issue a VFD upon request. A veterinary/client relationship is required, in that we have made regular visits to your farm within the year.